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An 8 week personalised 1:1 healing, awakening and guided self-discovering journey

For the woman who is ready to come home to her soul and her SELF to create a life beyond her wildest dreams


That Whisper Inside is your SOUL calling you HOME

Deep inside, there’s a voice whispering that life can get so much better than this.

You’ve barely scratched the surface of the capacity for passion, aliveness, purpose and joy that life can offer.


You hear that subtle whisper calling you to go within, to take some time to RECONNECT to yourself and your desire.
The parts of yourself that you’re yet to discover and fully ignite.
The parts of you LONGING to be seen, heard, witnessed and excavated… 

You want to be able to truly know and understand yourself, so you can break free of all those limitations and fears that are holding you back from everything you desire to create, and the sort of woman you desire to be.

You’re intrigued and excited by the world of energy healing, self-development and the idea of a new identity.

You’re ready to transform radically from within, commit to a deep soul-led journey of self-discovery and inner healing.

But you keep putting it off because it’s too overwhelming on your own; telling yourself you're "too busy”, that your "to-do list is too long”, or that you "wouldn't even know where to begin”.
You tell yourself “maybe a hot bath, a massage or a yoga class every fortnight” is enough.

You deserve something so much deeper than an occasional hot bath, massage or a yoga class. 

You deserve to feel intimately, radically nourished and safe from within.

The yearning for MORE is the sign from your SOUL telling you it's possible - calling you HOME to yourself!


What would a day in your life look like if you could…

🐚 Experience more energy, passion, joy, ease, grace, purpose and lightness on a day to day basis, so you bound out of bed every morning EXCITED to be alive (instead of feeling burnt out and deflated all the time)

🐚 Release all of the things that are weighing you down and feel free-spirited, youthful, light and renewed - like you’re glowing with the elixir of your soul from within

🐚 Stop feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable in your body, and overly self critical, and be able to walk into rooms and turn heads because you’re emanating with confidence, self-love and self worth

🐚 Ditch the disaster dates and finally attract the mature, heart-open soulmate who fully VALUES you and treats you like the goddess you are; who listens, supports and holds you in all the ways you yearn for OR cultivate intimacy, closeness and emotional connection in your relationship, so you can deepen the already existing bond between you and your partner and have them showing up in an ENTIRELY new way which reflects the treatment you desire and deserve

🐚 Feel passionate, lit up, motivated and inspired to do the things you love 

🐚 Be free of all of your limitations, fears, conditioning and the voice in your head that tells you “you can’t”, so you can go BOLDLY after your wildest dreams

🐚 TRULY believe that your dreams and beautiful visions are not only possible, but within reach

🐚 Uncover and reconnect to the parts of yourself that you’ve lost along the way and rediscover the amazingly powerful and radiant woman you truly are inside

Imagine what would become possible for you, if this was your daily reality of life?


Everything you see showing up in your reality is just a reflection of how YOU feel inside

The truth is, nothing outside of you is going to shift until YOU do - all of these beautiful potentials and experiences start from WITHIN first.

It is only once we can listen to and UNDERSTAND ourselves deeply, that we can take control over what we are seeing reflected back to us, in the world and circumstances we are met with.

It all begins with coming HOME to the truth of who we are, and peeling back all of the layers we’ve inherited that are not; the projections, the beliefs, the programming, the trauma that is keeping you small, stuck or afraid.

What if I told you that there is a part of you that feels SO safe, so held, so loved, so whole, so supported, so blessed that it wouldn’t even THINK to feel shy, awkward, afraid, anxious, or unworthy of its dreams? 


This - beautiful lady - is your SOUL…
And she's waiting for YOU to reconnect and come home to her.


Let Me Take your Hand and Guide You Home

HOMECOMING is a deep dive journey of healing, soul-awakening and self discovery for the woman who is ready to strip back the layers of self-limitations and COME home to herself; to experience a soulful, nourishing and expansive life.  I created this journey based on EVERYTHING I wish I had when I started my own healing and soul-awakening journey, to shortcut and accelerate yours.


It is a combination of: 

  • Deep intuitive soul healing sessions designed to go STRAIGHT TO THE ROOT - a place where traditional talk-based therapy might take years to reach - and dissolve the blocks, limitations and stagnant emotions that are keeping you separate from the love that you are

  • Mindset, energetics and belief work to uncover and shift your thoughts and belief systems, overhaul how you perceive the world, and shift what you are attracting to you (think raise your vibration!)

  • Life-changing daily intentional rituals and practices designed to cultivate a relationship with yourSELF and your SOUL

  • High-touch personal support so that you feel deeply HELD, guided and safe throughout this entire process


More than just a coaching and support program, it is a spiritual journey which helps you to heal, evolve and reconnect on a soul level - addressing the fragments of you across ALL levels (mind, body and spirit) that need your love, compassion and attention in order to radically transform and uplevel your reality in a BIG way.

For the woman who has wanted to do this work for a long time but hasn’t known where to begin - you will receive the clarity, support and guidance to direct your journey for maximum results and transformation.
I will hold your hand and help you to not only begin this life-changing journey, but see it all the way through to help you COME HOME TO YOUR MOST AUTHENTIC, SOUL-ALIGNED SELF, and leave the other side; an entirely unrecognizable version of you! 


What this work makes possible...

🐚 Release fears, limitations, old patterns and trauma that is holding you back from being the highest version of you 

🐚 Heal your relationship with YOU and cultivate a loving relationship with yourself, which shifts how others relate to you 

🐚 Deepen your emotional intelligence and self awareness; become more heart-centred and calm in the face of tension, and less reactionary and easily triggered

🐚 Feel confident to take up space, be seen and express your truth; learn to communicate with, relate to and understand others more deeply

🐚 Radiate confidence, self-esteem and self-worth from the inside out; so you no longer people-please, put yourself last, self-abandon, or are afraid to express your boundaries and your needs

🐚 Experience deeper intimacy in your relationships and full body soul connections that adore and value you for who you truly are inside

🐚 Be able to take charge of your life and control what you are experiencing

🐚 Effortlessly call the things you desire into your life

🐚 Create a heart-led, purpose-inspired life that lights you up every day

🐚 Begin the process of a spiritual awakening that will ripple out and change your life; activate your intuition and awaken your healing abilities, connect to your inner guidance and your higher (SOUL) self, to create a soulfully aligned life


8 x 1:1 Intuitive Healing & Coaching Sessions (Face to Face or online)

Mon-Fri 9-5
chat/VM support so I can hold your hand through the process

Practical exercises for you to do between sessions to deepen your integration

The creation of a personalised crystal grid to amplify your intentions + other BONUS goodies

What's Included When You Sign Up

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